Main modules#


This module contains three types of data structures:

  • Traffic network

  • Trajectory

  • SPaT

You can import the related class from mtldp.meta.${type}. For example, if you want to import the trajectory dictionary class, you can use the following code:

from mtldp.meta.Trajectory import TrajectoryDict

If you want to import the Node class, you can use the following code:

from mtldp.meta.TrafficNetwork import Node

The data structure in this module is more like pure data classes, which don’t have any complex method to manipulate the data. So, we need the other module to interact with these data.


This module provides a lot of useful functions that are related to these three basic data structures. These functions can be divided into the following sub-modules:

  • aggregation

  • config

  • converter

  • database

  • io

  • time

In mtldp.utils.aggregation, there are some functions to aggregate the trajectory index based on different geographical resolutions. For example, you can aggregate the trajectory by the movement, or you can aggregate the trajectory by the arterial.

In mtldp.utils.config, there are two Region classes to help you manage your application’s input and output and provide some command line tools to help you create the configuration file and the directory structure.

In mtldp.utils.converter, there are functions for the three basic types of data structure converting from their own data structure to the other commonly used data structure.

In mtldp.utils.database, there are functions to simplify the process of writing the data to the database. There are also some functions for creating the tables.

In mtldp.utils.data_io you can load trajectory data from CSV files, you can load traffic network from the pickle file or you can dump the SPaT data to the pickle file.

In mtldp.utils.time, you can find the conversion function between different time formats.

mtldp.preproc (optional)#

This module provides functions that process the raw data to the data used in the research application. There are three modules:

  • build_network

  • map_match

  • process_trajs

In mtldp.preproc.build_network, there are some functions to parse the OSM data and build the traffic network elements.

In mtldp.preproc.map_match, there are some functions to map the trajectory points to the traffic network. In other words, this procedure will assign the movement to the trajectory points.

In mtldp.preproc.trajs, there are some functions to filter the trajectory and calculate the basic traffic index for each trajectory.