Example 02 - Introduction to Trajectory Data#

This example will introduce:

  • Load the map matched trajectory data with mtldp.utils.data_io

  • Basic classes for the trajectory data

After the trajectory data is matched on the map, you can load the trajectory by the data platform (mtldp) package.

1 Load trajectory data#

1.1 Load trajectory and matched points from CSV file#

from mtldp.utils import show_attributes_and_methods
from mtldp.utils.data_io import build_trajectory_dict_from_csv
import time

s = time.time()
trajs_dict = build_trajectory_dict_from_csv(trajectories_filename='data/2021-09-27_trajs.csv',points_filename='data/2021-09-27_points.csv')
time.time() - s
for traj in trajs_dict:
attributes: {'dict'}

methods: {'get_points_df', 'append', 'del_trajectory', 'get_trajs_df', 'groupby', 'add_trajectory'}
attributes: {'link_id', 'intervals', 'valid', 'stop_nums', 'spill_over', 'trip_id', 'date', 'stop_delay', 'queue_ratio', 'movement_id', 'control_delay', 'traj_id', 'arrival_time', 'service_level', 'veh_length', 'veh_width', 'cycle_failure', 'eta', 'tod', 'stop_details', 'df', 'junction_id', 'text', 'traj_attributes', 'free_v', 'timestamp', 'queue_dis', 'phase_id', 'date_time', 'total_time', 'pts_num', 'avg_speed', 'total_distance'}

methods: {'check_point_attribute', 'get_traj_df', 'get_point_attributes', 'get_points_df', 'get_time_range', 'add_traj_attributes', 'set_point_attributes', 'drop_duplicates', 'update_trajs_attributes_from_df'}

2 Trajectory data structure#

There are two data structures to store the trajectory data TrajectoryDict, and Trajectory.

2.1 TrajectoryDict#

TrajectoryDict is new class that mainly contains a dictionary of all the Trajectory objects in the .dict member. The key of .dict is trip_id, the value is Trajectory object.


2.3 Trajectory#

Trajectory contains all attributes of a trajectory. You can fetch a trajectory from a TrajectoryDict object.

traj = trajs_dict.dict["006eb1ddec08e2ffac0a01c7f11c487316a8a44f-1632745748"]

trip_id traj_id junction_id link_id segment_id movement_id phase_id timestamp date date_time tod latitude longitude distance arrival_time speed error heading elevation
3610 006eb1ddec08e2ffac0a01c7f11c487316a8a44f 006eb1ddec08e2ffac0a01c7f11c487316a8a44f-16327... 62127887 62058105_62127887 7558579851 62058105_62127887_61977976 2 1.632746e+09 2021-09-27 08:28 8.472778 42.547322 -83.192781 -221.689549 1.632746e+09 17.597236 1.138452 182.0 194.0
3611 006eb1ddec08e2ffac0a01c7f11c487316a8a44f 006eb1ddec08e2ffac0a01c7f11c487316a8a44f-16327... 62127887 62058105_62127887 7558579851 62058105_62127887_61977976 2 1.632746e+09 2021-09-27 08:28 8.473611 42.547311 -83.193415 -169.723550 1.632746e+09 16.319458 2.554720 182.0 195.0
3612 006eb1ddec08e2ffac0a01c7f11c487316a8a44f 006eb1ddec08e2ffac0a01c7f11c487316a8a44f-16327... 62127887 62058105_62127887 7558579851 62058105_62127887_61977976 2 1.632746e+09 2021-09-27 08:28 8.474722 42.547302 -83.193949 -125.954757 1.632746e+09 13.438900 4.274432 182.0 194.0
from mtldp.utils.time import timestamp_to_date_time_and_tod
('2021-09-27', '12:29', 12.483333333333333)
times, lats, lons, errors = traj.get_point_attributes("timestamp", "latitude", "longitude", "error")

times[:3], lats[:3]
([1632745702.624, 1632745705.621, 1632745709.119],
 [42.547322, 42.547311, 42.547302])
# Plot the shape of the trajectory

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(lons, lats, "b.-")

You can plot the time-space diagram of a trajectory at a movement.

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